
Event Listing Directories


By taking the time to submit your events to these different event listing directories you have a better chance of people finding your event organically through Google (hello, free traffic) as well as overall discoverability through these websites.


If you are a company that has more than one event (i.e. you travel to multiple cities throughout the year), I suggest you create an account on each of these platforms and be sure to submit all of your events to these sites as soon as you go on sale. Be sure to include KEYWORDS in your event title and description too for a better chance of being found. For example, if you are a mud run called SUPER DIRTY FUN (stay with me here), list your event name as ‘SUPER DIRTY FUN | 5K Mud Run | Toledo ‘ <— as you can see, it has your event name, category keywords (5k run), and the city name.

Here’s the list I’ve put together, I’ll continue to keep this update. MOST of these sites are broken down by different local cities. Please leave a comment of other sites that you have found:

Now, once you’ve submitted the events you can to the above sites, DO NOT forget to focus on a local level. Here are some terms you can try Googling to find local websites and directories that you can submit your events to:

  • things to do in [city name] with kids
  • things to do in [city name]
  • events in [city name]
  • what do in [city name] in [month of event]
  • unique things to do in [city name]
  • fun stuff to do in [city name]
  • active things to do in [city name]
  • fitness activities in [city name]
  • [event keyword – i.e. lantern fest, 5k race] in [city name]
  • 5k run near me
  • 5k run in [city name]

By taking the time to seek out the local news websites and local happening websites, I am usually able to find 3-7 additional websites to submit an event to per city, depending on the market.

Another idea is to seek out the websites related to your niche event industry. For example, if you are in the OCR arena, I’ve seen sites like Mud Run Guide or Let’s Do This work well to drive additional sales for clients. Please if you know other niche sites like this, leave a comment below!

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